Every week our editors publish somewhere between 10 and 15 blog posts—but it can be hard to keep up amidst the busyness of everyday life. To make sure you never miss another post, we’ve created a new weekly round-up series. Each Saturday, find the previous week’s posts all in one place.

wr_iconGetting to Know You

“The eyes are the windows to the soul”—you’ve surely heard that one before. And read it before. And then read it somewhere else … and somewhere else, again and again. Here’s one author’s perspective on The Curious Use of Eyes in Fiction.

Becoming a successful author is about more than just strong writing. You have to have a strong platform, too. Check out Letting Readers Know the (Sort of) Real You for some advice.

What really makes a story good? It’s all about human conflict and disturbance. Read Writing Fiction: A Good Story Must Be Disturbing to learn more.

Learn Something New

Can you guess what percentage of U.S. adults haven’t read a single book within the last 12 months? Check out Who Reads the Most in the World? to learn that and more.

It’s great when you can apply lessons learned at your job to your writing. Read What I Learned as a Journalist, Book Doctor, Ghostwriter, and Publicist to find out how one author did just that.

Agents and Opportunities

Instead of a new agent alert, this week we have a new agency alert! Meet Root Literary. Agents Holly Root and Taylor Haggerty of Root Literary are actively seeking commercial and upmarket fiction for adults, teens, and middle grade, along with select nonfiction.

Getting an agent is a challenge. Read the newest edition of How I Got My Agent for insight into one author’s success.

Sometimes, you have to make your own opportunities. Here are 5 Tips When Self-Publishing Your Book from an author who never gave up on her dreams.

Poetic Asides

For this week’s Wednesday Poetry Prompt, write a “repair” poem.

The post Weekly Round-Up: Platform, People, and Publishing appeared first on WritersDigest.com.

from Writing Editor Blogs – WritersDigest.com http://www.writersdigest.com/editor-blogs/there-are-no-rules/weekly-round-platform-people-publishing